Were preseason expectations unrealistically high for the Kansas football team?

The Kansas football team has struggled so far this season. Were preseason expectations higher for this team than they should have been?
Kansas Jayhawks football star Devin Neal
Kansas Jayhawks football star Devin Neal / Kyle Rivas/GettyImages

Few would have guessed that the Kansas football team would only have one win heading into October. Many wouldn't have been surprised if they had been undefeated, but that obviously hasn't happened.

Instead, the Jayhawks are an unsightly 1-4, with all four losses due to late-game meltdowns that have left fans disheartened and shocked. This was supposed to be the season in which KU capitalized on their experience and talent. Unfortunately, it hasn't gone the way anyone expected.

Should there have been lower expectations for this Kansas football team?

The short answer to this question is no. The long answer to this question is absolutely no! After more than a decade of false hopes and terrible teams, it was not unreasonable to hope that the 2024 Kansas football team could actually challenge for a spot in the expanded 12-school College Football Playoff.

After all, head coach Lance Leipold turned this program around very quickly. From zero wins the year before he arrived, to two wins, and a more competitive roster in his first season, to a bowl game his second season, to a 9-4 record in 2023, his third season at Kansas.

The roster was filled with key players who had been on the roster in the bad old days, players who had improved through the years and remained loyal to the program. Their all-star quarterback was (in theory) healthy. The schedule was favorable. Everything seemed to line up for a historically great KU football season.

Alas, the Jayhawks have fallen flat on their beaks. They've blown second-half leads in four straight games that snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. On paper, KU seemed the better team than all of those that have beaten them.

Yes, it could be argued that bad luck was involved. Questionable calls have played a part in all the losses, but blaming the officiating is tough. Officiating isn't very good for any team, in any sport, at any level right now. They are part of the game, and teams must not leave it in the hands of the officials.

To win, a team's good players have to make plays, and Kansas just isn't right now. In the Illinois loss, in the second half, the Illini fumbled the ball. As the ball bounced around the field, no fewer than seven Jayhawks had an opportunity to just fall on the ball, but none did. Illinois did and eventually scored.

Turnovers have been the biggest culprits, especially late first-half interceptions. Experienced receivers have dropped balls. Jalon Daniels just doesn't look right or comfortable. Only Devin Neal, Daniel Hishaw Jr., and Luke Grimm have looked good. The offensive line has been somewhat effective, especially in the running game.

The defense, for the most part, has played well. All of the turnovers placed extra pressure on them, and they've been worn out by the fourth quarter in all the losses. They are not tackling well, and in the loss to TCU, a defensive back just left his receiver late in the game. The pass went to that receiver, who then trotted all the way to the end zone.

Daniels' play has been the most puzzling. He doesn't look anything like the quarterback who led KU to a 5-0 record to open the 2022 season. He hasn't been accurate, his arm doesn't look strong, and his decision-making has been questionable. Something has to be wrong with the youngster because he hardly looks like the same player.

The offense seems to be unimaginative and predictable. There hasn't been any spark. That part must fall on the shoulders of the coaching staff.

There are a lot of people to blame for the dismal start to this season, but it can't be laid at the feet of fans who expected more. It's up to the players and coaches to fix this themselves and salvage the rest of the season. The Big 12 championship and the playoffs are no longer possible. Everyone can relax and just support the team as the look for answers.

It won't do the players or the program any good if the fans give up on the season. The Kansas football team can still make a bowl, and still have a winning season. Those should be the expectations and goals now. Things have changed, but it has not been because of a lack of effort or high expectations. Things just haven't worked out as hoped.
